Know you should be using social media but don't know how, or simply don't have the time?
I will help grow your online community as a means of brining new clients, building your brand and reaching other goals.
Some companies hire me to create a social media strategy for them; setting up social sites or consulting on existing ones, others engage me on a recurring basis to build an online community for them.
That could mean growing a following on Twitter, engaging your community on LinkedIn, creating contests on Facebook, or using any other social media channel that's a good fit for your audience. It all depends on who you are trying to reach and what we identify as your goals.
Social media marketing is about engagement and communities, businesses no longer need to "shout" their message as with traditional marketing, now they can listen and engage. Gone are the days where YOU need to sell your products or services, with the correct use of social media, you can get your existing customers to tell people about your business for you.
It's not about selling, it's about sharing.
I can help create a solid social media platform for you to find and engage with your audience, drive traffic to your website, build your brand and ultimately win more business.
Please contact me for more information.